I want to be a boy
But not in the way you think
I still want to be pretty
to giggle and dance around the room
I want to wear cute skirts that swish in the wind
Or dresses that I can twirl around the room
I want to be feminine
But not in the feminine way
I want old women to swoon over makeup
Saying they wish they could do half of what’s on my face
While saying how their grandson is also in beauty school
I want little girls to point me out on the street
Squealing “I want a dress like his!”
I want toxic men to tell me I’m not a real man
But not for what I started as
But because I’m wearing more makeup than his last girlfriend
I want to be masculine
Masculine in the way that I’m expected to carry heavy things
And clowned on if I refuse
Masculine in the way of being able to fireman carry all of my friends
Or calling the gym my second home
Masculine in the way that I’m not afraid to walk home alone
And can even offer to walk my female friends to theirs
Masculine in the way that servers put the check in front of me
When on dates or romantic outings
I want to be me
To stop being scared
I want to stop hating what I see
Whenever I have the misfortune of seeing a mirror
I want to love myself as I am
Not as what people expect me to be
I want to stop the turmoil and pain
Every time I close my eyes or let the music stop
I want to love masculine and feminine me
Quincey Gordon is a local queer artist in Prescott, Arizona.